2024 annual SHARE 2.0 Conference held in Brussels

2024 annual SHARE 2.0 Conference held in Brussels

After a series of online events, members of the SHARE 2.0 initiative and invited guests attended and actively participated at the 2024 annual conference, held in Brussels on September 11. European University Sports Association (EUSA) participated at the event as well, represented by its Projects and Policy Manager Andrej Pisl.

The event was organised by the European Commission and ICF consultancy at the Albert Borschette Centre in Brussels, and was opened by Normunds Popens, Deputy Director General of DG EAC and Florencia Van Houd, Heat of Sport Unit, DG EAC.

SHARE 2.0 Conference opening

The participants were then briefed with an overview of SHARE 2.0 Initiative and presentation of recent activities and future actions of SHARE 2.0, before breaking into parallel sessions. The working sessions reflected the Communities of Practice (CoP) on the topics of health, innovation and sustainability.

Steering grop members on health

EUSA is part of the Health Community of Practice, and contributed in the sessions on keeping fit for a longer life and youth mental health. The representatives of key stakeholders are also forming part of the Steering group the COP, EUSA sharing its expertise and experiences and contributing to the overall recommendations.

Presenting main obstacles

All participants were able to get a summary of breakout discussions, and having a chance to get an insight into the main challenges and opportunities, before the event was closed by Georg Hausler, Director of Culture, Creativity and Sport, DG EAC.

SHARE 2.0 Conference closing

The event was also an opportunity to meet strategic as well as project partners. EUSA and partners had a series of shorter working meetings, including projects Youth Individual Sports Mindset (YouMind), European Week of Winter Sport (EWWS), and Fit For Green (Fit4Green), all co-funded by the European Union.

SHARE 2.0 initiative brings together key stakeholders, focusing on exchange of good practices and access to EU funding in the field of health, innovation, and sustainability, related to sport and physical activity. The conference and the initiative aims to have an impact on future EU priorities, policies, programmes and also (new) funding opportunities related to sport. For more information, please see https://sport.ec.europa.eu/initiatives/share-20

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