2022 Erasmus+ celebrations

2022 Erasmus+ celebrations

This year, Erasmus celebrates 35th anniversary, and the central celebrations was held in Brussels on December 14 in a hybrid mode.

In their opening speeches, the Vice-President of the European Commission Mr Margaritis Schinas and the Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Ms Mariya Gabriel highlighted the importance, successes and recognition of the Erasmus+ Programme.

Welcome by Vice-President Margaritis Schinas

They stressed that Erasmus+ is one of the best-known and most successful EU programmes, highlighting also the role and opportunities for youth; especially since 2022 is the European Year of Youth.

Welcome address by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel

The celebrations also included a high-level panel, moderated by Ms Themis Christophidou, Director-General DG Education and Culture, and included Ms Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth; Mr Jaroslav Miller, Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Ms Sabine Verheyen, Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education; Ms Tatjana Brabauskiene, European Economic and Social Committee member; and Ms Tanya Hristova, Chair of SEDEC Commission of the European Committee of Regions. The panellists highlighted the diverse opportunities that the programme offers, and the priorities it supports and promotes.

Participants of the high panel

Another panel discussion followed, with contributions from practical perspective, with Mr Alan Smith, Programme Founder & first Director of the Erasmus Bureau; Ms Antonija Gladovic, Director of the National Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes in Croatia; Ms Nahia Martin, Erasmus+ School pupil at the IES Botikazar Bilbao; and Mr Romain Fermon, Director of Marketing and Communications at the International School Sport Federation.

Panel discussion

Several parallel sessions were organised in the afternoon, and the event closed with a closing panel discussion on the ideas about the current priorities and future of the programme. Participants at the venue as well as online were able to express their opinion, while the official panellist were Ms Ute Haller- Block, Head of Unit Erasmus+ Coordination Unit at DG Education and Culture; Mr Koen Lambert, Director of JINT National Agency for the Erasmus+ Youth for the Flemish Community in Belgium; Ms Sophie Beernaerts, Head of Department Erasmus+ at the EACEA Executive Agency; Mr Juan Rayon Gonzalez, President of the Erasmus Student Network; and Mr Markus Kraushofer, Head Teacher at the Bernoulli Gymnasium in Austria.

Closing panel session

The in-person events in Brussels continued with the opening of the photography exhibition “DiscoverEU” and theatre play “The Desire of Youth.”

Celebration event in Slovenia

While some actions are coordinated centrally, several of them are also run decentralised through the national agencies. In Slovenia, where European University Sports Association (EUSA) and the EUSA Institute have their offices, there are two national agencies. Movit is responsible for Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps, as well as coordinating regional Eurodesk services and hosting SALTO South East Europe Resource Centre. Cmepius, on the other hand, is responsible for Erasmus+ Education, Training and Sport, as well as offering support for eTwinning, EPALE, CEEPUS, EURAXESS and some other initiatives.

Movit 25th anniversary

In 2022, also Movit reached an important milestone – 25th anniversary of its founding and activities, while CMEPIUS will celebrate their 20th anniversary next year.

Happy Birthday from EUSA!

EUSA with its Institute are fully engaged in Erasmus+ activities and projects, and we look forward to new opportunities and cooperations with partner organisations. We took part in the anniversary celebrations in Slovenia in person, and online in the central ones.

For more information about the Erasmus+ anniversary, please see https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/about-erasmus/35-years-of-erasmus

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