2015 ENGSO and ENGSO Youth General Assembly

2015 ENGSO and ENGSO Youth General Assembly

Lisbon hosted the General Assembly of the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO) and its Youth section on April 29 and 30, 2015. The Assemblies were especially significant since they were electoral. European University Sports Association (EUSA) attended both events, represented by its President Mr Adam Roczek, Student Commission Chair and EC Member Mr Bruno Barracosa and Communications and Projects Manager Mr Andrej Pisl.

ENGSO President Mrs Birgitta Kervinen

The official opening ceremony was held on Wednesday, April 29 in the evening at the City Hall of Lisbon. The participants were first addressed by the ENGSO President Mrs Birgitta Kervinen who welcomed the participants and thanked the hosts, the Portuguese Sports Confederation (CDP) for the excellent organisation of the event. Participants were also welcomed and addressed by the Vice-Mayor of the City of Lisbon and State Secretary for Sport and Youth.

Portuguese State Secretary for Sport and Youth Mr Emidio Guerreiro

The participants were also able to enjoy a formal dinner at the City Hall’s Library, with traditional Portuguese cuisine and cultural programme.

Formal dinner

The following day, on April 30, the Assemblies of ENGSO and ENGSO Youth continued with other points of the agenda, including the adoption of modifications of new statutes, annual reports on current activities and projects – including those with the support of the European Union, carried out in partnerships, also with the active contribution of EUSA; namely SCORE (Strengthening Coaching with the Objective to Raise Equality) and Sport Employs YOUrope (Exploring European galaxies of partnership to enhance youth employment and entrepreneurship in sport).

(Part of) ENGSO Assembly participants

After approving the financial reports and planned budget, the focus of the ENGSO Assembly shifted to the election of half of the Executive Committee members. Before the elections, the outgoing President Mrs Kervinen thanked all the members, delegates and partners for their contributions and involvement during her presidency. She received standing ovations and several thanks for her personal commitment and achievements.

Newly elected ENGSO Executive Committee

The Assembly then elected Mr Carlos Cardoso from Portugal as the new ENGSO President, Mr Jan Holze (GER) as Vice-President, Mrs Karin Mattsson Weijber  (SWE) as Treasurer, Natasa Jankovic (SRB) and Agne Vanagiene (LTU) as board members at large for the next 4-year term. They are joined by members Lotte Buchert (DEN), Sallie Barker (GBR) and Secretary General Ms Helena Carlsson (SWE) whose current mandate finishes in two years.

EUSA and ENGSO Presidents

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek thanked Mrs Kervinen for all the past cooperation and partnership and congratulated the new President Mr Cardoso for the new position.

New ENGSO Youth Board

Also the ENGSO Youth Assembly elected their Board in Lisbon. The new President is Mr Paolo-Emilio Adami (ITA), Vice-President Mr Romain Fermon (FRA), with board members Gerda Katschinka (AUT), Xicu Colomar (ESP), Michael Leyendecker (GER), Mariann Bardocz-Bencsik (HUN), Lea Van Breukelen (NED), Filipa Godinho (POR) and Filip Filipic (SRB). ENGSO Youth Secretary General Ms Nevena Vukasinovic and Ms Sara Massini as the project manager assist the organisation in daily operations and running the projects. Similarly as in EUSA, the Chair of ENGSO Youth is ex officio also a board member of ENGO.

Mr Pisl congratulating and thanking Mr Holze

EUSA representatives took the opportunity to thank the outgoing board and congratulate the newly-elected one. EUSA Communications and Projects Manager Mr Pisl made a summary of the past and current cooperation between ENGSO Youth and EUSA, and thanked Mr Holze for opening their door to university sport and the fruitful cooperation and his personal involvement, also congratulating him for his new position within ENGSO.

Mr Barracosa congratulating Mr Adami and awarding the EUSA plaquette to him

Chair of the EUSA Student Commission and EC member Mr Bruno Barracosa also thanked both Presidents and passed a special EUSA plaque to Mr Adami, signalling the commitment of EUSA and its Student Commission to continue cooperation and together develop university and youth sport and active participation of our target audiences.

ENGSO Youth participants

The programme concluded with a scenic tour and dinner on a spectacular sailing boat, participants having the chance to explore the city from the waterfront view.

For more information about ENGSO, please see www.engso.eu.

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