

You might ask why we are pointing out 2013, as we are already in April... Well, 2013 in this case actually represents the number of news posted on the official EUSA website www.eusa.eu, so we caught up with the current year with this posted news item, putting together a piece in the mozaic of growth and development of university sport.


The European University Sports Association (EUSA) was established in November 1999 in Vienna, Austria. At that time, delegates representing 25 European national university sports associations gathered, formalising the establishment of the organisation – Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and (now former) Yugoslavia.

Establishing EUSA in 1999


In the upcoming year, EUSA began with its activities, including setting up the website, which was since then redesigned a few times already, trying to keep track with the needs and demands of EUSA, its members, students, partners and others. Nowadays, EUSA counts 45 member federations, organises European Universities Championships in 17 sports on odd and European Universities Games in 10 sports on even years; and other events. If you are interested to know more about the history of EUSA, please explore our website, our Book (1999-2009) and/or our Magazines.

From the EUSA General Assembly 2013


Since the establishment, the activities of EUSA have grown enormously, and so has our website, expanding also to popular online communities. Let us at this occasion thank all our member federations and partners for their contributions and also extend our invitation to send us the news you would like to have published, promoting university sport throughout Europe and beyond!

Participants at the Opening ceremony of the 1st European Universities Games Cordoba 2012


To stay in touch and up-to-date with activities related to university sport in Europe, subscribe to our RSS feed, mailing list, Twitter and Like our Facebook page.


So Happy 2013 to us, any for many more to come!

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