2007 EUSA Symposium concludes

2007 EUSA Symposium concludes
The 5th EUSA Symposium, which was organised by the Russian Student Sports Union from September 27-30, 2007 in Moscow (RUS), successfully finished.

The plenary session started on September 28, 2007. The participants were first welcomed by Mr. Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA President and Mr. Oleg V. Matytsin, the President of the Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU).

Both were also keynote speakers on the session. Beside them, the presentations were also given by Mr. Blair A.N., the Rector of RSUFE, Mr. Rodichenko V.S., Honourable Vice-President of the Olympic Committee of Russia and Mr. Klesnev from the Russian Institute of Sport London.

Mr. Gil Salinas Rafael, STC Chairman together with STC members presented the activities of the Student Commission, while Mr. Arie Rozenwieg, the President of the Academic Sport Association of Israel presented the Friendship Games Event.

In the round-table discussion around 30 participants from 10 European countries exchanged their experience of the organization of student's sports in their countries.

On the next morning, the participants visited the Russian State University of Physical Education (RSUFE), its sports facilities, museum and library, while in the afternoon the Organising Committee organised an excursion in Moscow.

The next EUSA Symposium will be organised in 2009. The deadline for candidatures is November 15, 2007.

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