150th anniversary of rowing in RUS

150th anniversary of rowing in RUS

In 2010 rowing in Russia celebrates 150th Anniversary. On 14 December 2009, the President of Russia Mr Dmitry Medvedev has signed the order about establishment of the presidential rowing cup of the Russian Federation in rowing.

The Presidential Regatta urged to promote popularization of an active and healthy way of life, propagation of physical training and mass sports, sports of the higher achievements, development of a sports infrastructure in regions of Russia, to moral encouragement of efforts of sportsmen, coaches and sports managers.

Saint – Petersburg is not casually chosen by a place of carrying out of the first «Presidential regatta». Once it was possible to name this city rowing capital by right. In 1718 Peter I has founded the first club in Russia the «Neva fleet», has created drawings of rowing courts and has entered into the Charter obligatory employment on rowing.


Tribute to history

Another important rowing event is the international regatta in Moscow, celebrated within the frame of the City Day on September, 4th, 2010. The event, drawing attention of representatives of political and business elite, unites competitions at once by two kinds of sports: on boat racing - the International University Regatta the «Golden Boat», and competitions on rowing on kayaks and a canoe – «Race of Champions». Organizers of the Regatta are the Department of physical education and sports of Moscow and Sports Marketing Agency JSA with support and direct participation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The participation in the International University regatta the «Golden Boat» 2010 was already confirmed with legendary crews of universities of Oxford and Cambridge (Great Britain) which by already developed tradition will battle among themselves in Moscow. They will compete with the best Moscow student's crew, the strongest team from Germany, and also an ambitious crew from Italy (University of Pavia) - winners of the regatta «Golden Boat» 2008 and 2009.



Start will be given this historical arrival at the House of the Government of the Russian Federation, crews finish at the Andreevsky bridge (Pushkin quay, Neskuchniy garden). The distance unusual to oarsmen-academists of 7,5 km is laid in the centre of capital and will give the chance to many Muscovites and visitors of capital to observe for a course of competitions.

For the victory on a sprint distance of 200 meters on rowing on kayaks and canoes will take part in struggle numerous Olympic champions, world and Europe champions Maxim Opalev (Russia), Andreas Ditmar (Germany), Ivan Kostoglot (Russia), Alexander Kovalev (Russia), etc.



The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S. Lavrov, the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation A.Konovalov, the mayor of Moscow J.Luzhkov become guests of honour on the Regatta, etc. visit of the crown prince of Monaco Albert and members of royal families of Denmark, Great Britain is expected.


In 2011, the European Universities Rowing Championship is scheduled to take place in Kazan, Russia.

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